About RPG/RPGLE programming course


1. Is it online or Offline class?

Ans. This is an online class. The class will be provided by go4as400 Author - Amit Jaiswal.

2. Who can enroll for the course?

Ans. Whoever wants to learn RPG/RPGLE programming, can enroll for the course. You just need to have understanding of computer. We would start the course from basic and would go to advance level.

3. What is the duration of the course?

Ans. The duration of the course would be around 6 weeks

4. What is the Total course Fee and how the payment has to be made?

Ans. Total course Fee is 9500 ₹.

After registering for the course,you can attend the Free Demo class. After the Demo class, the interested candidates can go for course payment in two installments. First installment has to be paid within 3 days after attending the Demo class. 2nd installment has to be paid after completion of 40% of the course.

5. Would I be provided materials on RPG/RPGLE programming?

Ans. You can practise during the class and can clarify your query. As a material, we would provide you more than 150 programs source codes. These programs covers complete RPG/RPGLE programming.

6. After enrolling for the course, how would I be able to join the course?

Ans. The online course would be conducted on ZOOM meeting. You can install the app on your system or can join via browser. We will share the meeting Id and passcode two days in advance before the class starts.

7. Would the session be recorded ?

Ans. The session would be recorded and you would get the the access to the recorded sessions for 1 year.

8. Do I get an account to access IBM i server?

Ans. Yes, you would get an account to access IBM i server. The account would be valid for 3 months. During the course, we would also let you on how to get access to another IBM i server which is completely Free.

9. Would I get any course completion certificate?

Ans. Yes, you would get the course completion certificate.

10. How can I enroll for the online class?

Ans. To enroll for the course, you need to visit the link click here. On the page, you can find “enroll to RPG online course” link.

11. In case, the enrolled students are more than the required class strength then how would the students be selected for the final batch?

Ans. The allocation would be First come First served basis. In case, the enrolled students are more than the required class strength, then the extra students would be put in a waiting list. In case, anyone cancels his/her registration, the seat would be allocated to waiting list candidate. In case, the waiting List candidate doesn’t get a confirmed seat, the token amount would be refunded to him/her or he can reserve it for Next Batch.

12. Do I need to install any IBM i software before joining this course?

Ans. If you have IBM i ACS software, it is good, But if you don't have, it's OK, we will get it installed during the class.

13. Is this class for international student as well?

Ans. Soon, we will launch class for International students as well. For more info, write a mail to contactus@go4as400.com

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