as400 interview questions and answers-Part 12

1. Give example of EDTWRD keyword in AS400.




·         Sometimes we are not able to get the desire editing result by EDTCDE. In that case it is better to go for EDTWRD.

·         In the EDTWRD parameter we specify the format matching the required data.

·         This keyword is valid only for numeric field (Specified with ‘Y’ data type).



Example - I


A          R DETAIL                                               
A            FLD1          10Y 0B  3 12EDTWRD('  -  -  -  -  ')   
A                                      COLOR(RED)                 
A                                  3  2'FIELD-1: '       




FIELD-1:  11-22-33-44-55




Example - II


A          R DETAIL                                          
A            FLD1          10Y 3B  3 12EDTWRD('$       .   ')
A                                      COLOR(RED)            
A                                  3  2'FIELD-1: '      




FIELD-1:  $1122334.455


Here, currency symbol used is not part of the data length displayed on the screen.




Example - III


     A            S_FLD001     10Y 3O  2 10EDTWRD('               .   ')




S_OFRMAMT = 9999999.999




Example - IV


     A            C_FLD001      10  2O 08 38
     A                                      EDTWRD('       0.  ')




Before EDTWRD, Value of C_FLD001= .12

After EDTWRD, Value of C_FLD001=0.12




Example - V


     A            STIME56        6Y 0O 13 13
     A                                      EDTWRD('0  :  :  ')




Before EDTWRD, Value of STIME= 1:12:12

After EDTWRD, Value of STIME=01:12:12



A zero stops zero suppression.

We place it in the farthest right position where zero suppression is to stop. That’s why here the time is not suppressed at the leftmost position.


**Note: We have given 2 blank spaces after ‘0’ in EDTWRD.




2. Explain FLDCSRPRG with example.




·         This field-level keyword is used to define the field to which the cursor moves when exiting this field.





In the example below the cursor will be at the initial field S_ORG and then after field exiting will progress to the next field S_ACC and then S_CCY and S_PARTY after that.


0004.00      A          R HEADER                                               
0005.00      A                                  1 30'ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY'    
0006.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0007.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0008.00      A                                  4 25'ORG'                      
0009.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0010.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0011.00      A            S_ORG          3S 0B  4 35                           
0011.01      A                                      FLDCSRPRG(S_ACC)           
0012.00      A  50                                  DSPATR(RI)                 
0013.00      A                                  5 25'ACC'                      
0014.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0015.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)
0016.00      A            S_ACC         12A  B  5 35                           
0016.01      A                                      FLDCSRPRG(S_CCY)           
0017.00      A  51                                  DSPATR(RI)                 
0018.00      A                                  6 25'CCY'                      
0019.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0020.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0021.00      A            S_CCY          3A  B  6 35                           
0021.01      A                                      FLDCSRPRG(S_PARTY)         
0022.00      A  52                                  DSPATR(RI)                 
0023.00      A                                  7 25'PARTY'                    
0024.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                  
0025.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0026.00      A            S_PARTY       12A  B  7 35                           
0027.00      A  53                                  DSPATR(RI)  





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