·         This keyword is used to set the display property of a field.

·         Multiple properties can be set for a single field.


DDS Keyword                Meaning

DSPATR(BL)                 Blinking field

DSPATR(CS)                 Column separators

DSPATR(HI)                 High intensity

DSPATR(RI)                 Reverse image

DSPATR(UL)                 Underline

DSPATR(ND)                 Non-display

DSPATR(PC)                 Position cursor








I.            DSPATR (HI)  

·         This means that the field will be of higher intensity then the other normal field present on the screen.


A            FLD1          10A  B  3 12DSPATR(HI)
A                                  3  2'FIELD-1: '



                      FIELD-1:  BBBBBBBBBB


II.     DSPATR (RI)  

·         This means that the field will be in reverse image.


A            FLD1          10A  B  3 12DSPATR(RI)
A                                  3  2'FIELD-1: '



                      FIELD-1:  BBBBBBBBBB




III.            DSPATR (CS)  

·         This means that each field will be separated by column separator such as dots or vertical bar.


IV.            DSPATR (BL) 

·         This is used to make the field blink.


V.     DSPATR (ND) 

·         If we don’t want to display something on the screen then we can use this display keyword.


VI.            DSPATR (UL)  

·         This keyword is used to make the field appear with an underline. Input fields always appear with an underline unless we mention CHGINPDFT keyword. UL just override this CHGINPDFT.


VII.            DSPATR (PC) 

·         This is used to position the cursor at the beginning of the first output field of the screen.


VIII.            DSPATR (MDT) 

·         This is used got input capable field to pass the information to the program.


IX.            DSPATR (PR)  

·         This is used to protect the field from being modified.


Note:  If we specify UL, HI, and RI attributes on the work station for the same field, the field will not be displayed.




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