Ü  DFT(Default)

·         DFT keyword is used to display the default value on the screen.

·         It’s a field level keyword.

·         If we want to display a constant field then there is no need of mentioning the DFT keyword, it not a mandatory keyword in this case.

·         The syntax for displaying a constant field on the screen is:

DFT(‘constant value’)


‘Constant value’

·         For input type field, the value mentioned with the DFT keyword is displayed as a default value on the screen; every time the screen is displayed.

·         For output capable and input/output capable fields, we must specify the keyword PUTOVR at the record level and OVRDTA at the field level with the DFT keyword.

·         The DFT keyword is not valid on decimal fields.





>>> Using DFT for constant field


  A                                  5 25DFT('ACC')
  A                                  5 25'ACC'



>>> Using DFT for input field


A            S_ACC         12A  I  5 35DFT('A00000000001')  



                             ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY                             
                        ORG       ___                                             
                        ACC       A00000000001                                 
                        CCY       ___                                             
                        PARTY     ____________                               
    F3 = EXIT      F12 = CANCEL                                               

>>> Using DFT for input/output field


A          R HEADER                    PUTOVR                   >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
A                                  1 30'ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY'   
A                                      DSPATR(HI)                
A                                      COLOR(BLU)                
A                                  4 25'ORG'                      
A                                      DSPATR(HI)                
A                                      COLOR(BLU)                
A            S_ORG          3S 0B  4 35                          
A                                      FLDCSRPRG(S_ACC)          
A  50                                  DSPATR(RI)                
A                                  5 25'ACC'                     
A                                      DSPATR(HI)                
A                                      COLOR(BLU)                
A            S_ACC         12A  B  5 35DFT('A00000000001')        >>>>>>>>>>>>
A                                      OVRDTA                     >>>>>>>>>>>>




                             ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY                             
                        ORG       ___                                             
                        ACC       A00000000001                                 
                        CCY       ___                                             
                        PARTY     ____________                             
    F3 = EXIT      F12 = CANCEL        






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