·         If we want to specify that the OS/400 program is to assume that this record is already shown on the display, when the file is opened.

·         Use this keyword to receive data that a previous program has left on the display.

·         If we don’t use this keyword then the display screen of the previous display file goes blank when the new display screen is opened. To avoid this situation we use ASSUME keyword along with overlay.

·         OVERLAY keyword allows the overlaying of fields on this record without erasing the entire display. 

·         ASSUME is placed on a format that a program is supposed to pretend is on the screen.

·         It is mainly used for display files that present windows.

·         It is not placed on the window itself, but a dummy non window format.




·         If we want to Keep the display from being deleted when the display file is closed.

·         It avoids the flicker that happens when we are returning to the previous display file after closing the current one. E.g. We press F4 on the main screen to display a window and then when we return from this window a flicker happens. To avoid this we use this KEEP keyword.




Display file for main program that calls a window program.


Columns . . . :    1  80                       Browse                   AMITCCCCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                           WIND_DSP4
FMT DP .....AAN01N02N03T.Name++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions+++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data *************************************************
0001.00      A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
0002.00      A                                      CF04(04 'PROMPT')
0003.00      A                                      CA03(03 'EXIT')
0004.00      A          R HEADER
0005.00      A                                  1 35'MAIN SCREEN'
0006.00      A                                  1 71DATE
0007.00      A                                      EDTCDE(Y)
0008.00      A                                  2 71TIME
0009.00      A                                  5 13'FIELD NO. 1'
0010.00      A                                  6 13'FIELD NO. 2'
0011.00      A                                  7 13'FIELD NO. 3'
0012.00      A            FLD001        12A  B  5 30COLOR(BLU)
0013.00      A            FLD002        20A  B  6 30COLOR(BLU)
0014.00      A            FLD003        12A  B  7 30COLOR(BLU)
0015.00      A          R FOOTER                    OVERLAY
0016.00      A                                 24 02'F3 = EXIT'
0017.00      A                                 24 13'F4 = WINDOW PROMPT'
****************** End of data *************************************************



Main program WIND_PGM4 that calls the window program which prompts on the main display screen



Columns . . . :    6  80                 Browse                    AMITCCCCC/QRPGLESRC
 SEU==>                                                                      WIND_PGM4
 FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        *************** Beginning of data ********************************************
0002.00 FMASTER    IF   E           K DISK
0003.00 FWIND_DSP4 CF   E             WORKSTN
0004.00 C     *LOVAL        SETLL     REC1
0005.00 C                   READ      REC1
0006.00 C                   DOW       *IN03=*OFF
0007.00 C   03              LEAVE
0008.00 C                   WRITE     HEADER
0009.00 C                   WRITE     FOOTER
0010.00 C                   READ      HEADER
0011.00 C                   IF        *IN04=*ON
0012.00 C                   CALL      'WIND_PGM4C'
0013.00 C                   ENDIF
0014.00 C                   ENDDO
0015.00 C                   SETON                                        LR
****************** End of data *********************************************

Display file having window record format used in the called program WIND_PGM4C.



Columns . . . :    1  80                      Edit                     AMITCCCCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                         WIND_DSP4C
FMT DP .....AAN01N02N03T.Name++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ************************************************
0001.00      A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
0002.00      A          R WIN001
0003.00      A                                      CA12(12 'PREVIOUS')
0004.00      A                                      KEEP
0005.00      A                                      OVERLAY
0006.00      A                                      WINDOW(2 10 15 40)
0007.00      A                                      WDWBORDER((*COLOR YLW) (*DSPATR RI)-
0008.00      A                                       (*CHAR '...:::.:'))
0009.00      A                                      WDWTITLE((*TEXT 'SAMPLE WINDOW') (*-
0010.00      A                                      COLOR RED))
0011.00      A                                 14  2'F12 = PREVIOUS'
0012.00      A                                  3  2'ORG CODE'
0013.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)
0014.00      A                                  3 15'ACCOUNT NUMBER'
0015.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)
0016.00      A                                  3 32'CURRENCY'
0017.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)
0018.00      A            ORG       R        O  5  5REFFLD(REC1/ORG AMIT/MASTER)
0019.00      A            ACC       R        O  5 16REFFLD(REC1/ACC AMIT/MASTER)
0004.00      A                                      KEEP
0005.00      A                                      OVERLAY
0006.00      A                                      WINDOW(2 10 15 40)
0007.00      A                                      WDWBORDER((*COLOR YLW) (*DSPATR RI)-
0008.00      A                                       (*CHAR '...:::.:'))
0009.00      A                                      WDWTITLE((*TEXT 'SAMPLE WINDOW') (*-
0010.00      A                                      COLOR RED))
0011.00      A                                 14  2'F12 = PREVIOUS'
0012.00      A                                  3  2'ORG CODE'
0013.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)
0014.00      A                                  3 15'ACCOUNT NUMBER'
0015.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)
0016.00      A                                  3 32'CURRENCY'
0017.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)
0018.00      A            ORG       R        O  5  5REFFLD(REC1/ORG AMIT/MASTER)
0019.00      A            ACC       R        O  5 16REFFLD(REC1/ACC AMIT/MASTER)
0020.00      A            CCY       R        O  5 34REFFLD(REC1/CCY AMIT/MASTER)
0021.00      A          R DUMMYRCD
0022.00      A                                      ASSUME
0023.00      A                                 10 10' '
****************** End of data ***************************************************




Called program WIND_PGM4C that prompts as a window on the main display screen




Columns . . . :    6  80                 Browse                    AMITCCCCC/QRPGLESRC
 SEU==>                                                                     WIND_PGM4C
 FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        *************** Beginning of data ********************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*NODEBUGIO)                                                            
0002.00 FMASTER    IF   E           K DISK                                             
0003.00 FWIND_DSP4CCF   E             WORKSTN                                           
0004.00 C     *LOVAL        SETLL     REC1                                             
0005.00 C                   READ      REC1                                             
0006.00 C                   DOW       *IN12=*OFF AND NOT %EOF(MASTER)                  
0007.00 C                   WRITE     WIN001                                           
0008.00 C                   READ      WIN001                                           
0009.00 C                   READ      REC1                                             
0010.00 C                   ENDDO                                                      
0011.00 C                   SETOFF                                       0412           
0012.00 C                   SETON                                        LR            
        ****************** End of data ***********************************************



We run the main program WIND_PGM4 and get the output below.


                                  MAIN SCREEN                         12/04/13 
            FIELD NO. 1     _____________                                      
            FIELD NO. 2     ______________________                               
            FIELD NO. 3     _____________                                       
     F3 = EXIT  F4 = WINDOW PROMPT  





Now to call the window program we press F4.


In the below screen we can see that the background screen goes blank, if don’t use ASSUME keyword. Hence, ASSUME receives the data that a previous program(WIND_PGM4) has left on the display. Also the Overlay keyword allows the overlaying of fields on this record without erasing the entire display. 




                  .............  SAMPLE WINDOW  ..............                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :  ORG CODE     ACCOUNT NUMBER   CURRENCY  :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :     190        A00000000001      EUR     :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :                           
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :                                   
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :  F12 = PREVIOUS                          : 
                  :                                          :                          





Output when we use ASSUME + OVERLAY keyword. Background is there from the previous display file.




MAIN SCREEN 12/04/13 13:41:04

                                  MAIN SCREEN                         12/04/13 
                  .............  SAMPLE WINDOW  ..............                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :  ORG CODE     ACCOUNT NUMBER   CURRENCY  :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :     190        A00000000001      EUR     :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :                           
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :                                   
                  :                                          :                          
                  :                                          :                          
                  :  F12 = PREVIOUS                          : 
                  :                                          :                          
          F3 = EXIT  F4 = WINDOW PROMPT     






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