Ü BEGSR (Beginning of Subroutine)
§ The
op-code represents beginning of a subroutine placed in factor-1.
§ If
factor-1 entry is *PSSR then this subroutine will handle all program
exceptions/errors. Only one subroutine can be defined with *PSSR.
§ If
factor-1 entry is *INZSR, it represents the initialization of the program and
will be executed only once when the program starts. Only one subroutine can be
defined with *INZSR.
Factor 1
Factor 2
Result Field
Resulting Indicators
0006.09 *____________________________________________________________________
0009.00 C *IN03 DOWEQ *OFF
0010.00 C EXSR MAIN
0011.00 C ENDDO
0012.00 C SETON LR
0013.00 C*
0014.00 C*_____________________________________________
0015.00 C*____________MAIN SUBROUTINE BEGINS HERE______
0016.00 C*_____________________________________________
0017.00 C MAIN BEGSR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
0018.00 C**** some operation code comes here
0019.00 C ENDSR
0020.00 C*_________________________________________________
0021.00 C*_________________________________________________
0022.00 C*_______________CLEAR SUBFILE_____________________
0023.00 C*_________________________________________________
0024.00 C CLRSFL BEGSR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
0024.01 C**** Clear the subfile
0029.00 C ENDSR
0030.00 C*_________________________________________________
0031.00 C*_______________FIRST FUBROUTINE__________________
0032.00 C*_________________________________________________
0033.00 C*
0034.00 C *INZSR BEGSR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
0034.01 C SETOFF 505152
0034.02 C SETOFF 45
0035.00 C Z-ADD *ZEROS RRN 4 0
0035.01 C EVAL S_RECNO=1
0040.00 C ENDSR
0041.00 C*_________________________________________________
0042.00 C*_______________FILL SUBFILE__________________
0043.00 C*_________________________________________________
0044.00 C*
0045.00 C FILSFL BEGSR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
0047.00 C*** Fill the subfile Buffer
0061.00 C ENDSR
0062.00 C*_________________________________________________
0063.00 C*
0064.00 C DSPSFL BEGSR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
0065.00 C**** Display the subfile
0069.00 C ENDSR
****************** End of data ****************************************