DUMP (Program
§ As the name signifies this opcode is used to take the dump of the
program. The DUMP operation provides a dump i.e. the information/values related
to all fields, all files, indicators, data structures, arrays etc. of the
§ If the DEBUG(*NO) control-specification keyword is specified, no dump
is performed. You can override this keyword by specifying operation extender A.
This operation extender means that a dump is always performed, regardless of
the value of the DEBUG keyword.
Columns . . . : 6 80 Browse AMINEM/QRPGLESRC
FMT H HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ****************************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*SRCSTMT) 130122
0002.00 FCUST UF A E DISK USROPN 130122
0003.00 130121
0004.00 *_________________________________________________________ 130124
0005.00 * 130124
0006.00 C MONITOR 130124
0007.00 *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 130124
0008.00 * 130124
0009.00 C MONITOR 130124
0010.00 C 1 SETLL CUSTR 130124
0011.00 C ON-ERROR 1211 130124
0012.00 C OPEN CUST 130124
0013.00 C ENDMON 130124
0014.00 *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 130124
0015.00 * 130124
0016.00 C MONITOR 130124
0017.00 C EVAL CSNAME='OOO' 130124
0018.00 C UPDATE CUSTR 130124
0019.00 C ON-ERROR 1215 130124
0020.00 C READ(E) CUST 130124
0021.00 C EVAL CSNAME='OOO' 130124
0022.00 C UPDATE(E) CUSTR 130124
0023.00 C ENDMON 130124
0024.00 *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 130124
0025.00 * 130124
0026.00 C ON-ERROR *FILE 130124
0027.00 C DUMP(A) 130124
0028.00 C ON-ERROR 130124
0029.00 C DUMP(A) 130124
0030.00 C ENDMON 130123
0031.00 *_________________________________________________________ 130124
0032.00 * 130123
0033.00 C SETON LR 130123
0034.00 * 130123
0035.00 * 130122
****************** End of data *******************************************************